EV Battery SwappingTrack Every Battery: AI-enhanced surveillance crafted for your unique needs
Battery Damage : EV batteries at swapping stations are highly valuable assets, and their protection is essential. These batteries are susceptible to damage from various threats, including theft, tampering, vandalism and environmental hazards. Such incidents can lead to significant financial losses and operational disruptions, as damaged batteries are costly to replace and repair.
Station Security : Ensuring the security of battery swapping stations is a major concern, as they are vulnerable to multiple security threats. Tampering with cameras or network cables, breaking of shutters, unauthorized access, and vandalism are just a few of the risks that can compromise the safety of the stations.
Enview Solutions
AI-Driven Video Analytics :Enview’s AI-powered video analytics system can monitor and analyze over 11,000 data points in real-time, identifying potential hazards and security risks at battery swapping stations. Our AI-backed analytics helps prevent battery damage by recognizing suspicious activities like theft and vandalism, extended idle vehicles, and environmental hazards to ensure the safety of expensive batteries. Moreover, the system identifies all threats in real-time, allowing for immediate intervention.
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30-day trial includes full access to Enview Unified Monitoring and a free AI consultation.