Q-CommerceFrom Chaos to Clarity: Actionable AI for your dark stores, deployed at lightning speed
Pilferage and Loss Prevention : High turnover of inventory and frequent movement within dark stores increase the risk of pilferage and inventory loss.
CCTV Monitoring and Data Management : With hundreds of cameras deployed across multiple locations, manual monitoring and management become overwhelming and inefficient.
Enview Solutions
AI-Enabled Warehouse Insights : Enview’s AI-driven Warehouse Insights system integrates CCTV video with warehouse management system (WMS) and helps you track every consignment and catch discrepancies.
Centralized Health Monitoring (CHMS) : The CHMS ensures all cameras function optimally, with proactive alerts for any faults. Automated ticketing helps in quick resolution, reducing downtime and ensuring continuous monitoring, thereby preventing pilferage and loss.
Try Enview for Free

30-day trial includes full access to Enview Unified Monitoring and a free AI consultation.